Testimonial - Jenny Frame

Buying a home is never a simple thing and doing it remotely in a foreign language clearly adds to the complexity. Add to that a global pandemic and any dream of buying a home in France could easily change from an achievable dream to an impossible nightmare.

After 8 years of looking I finally found my dream home in 2020 right at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic. Unable to travel to view, I was extremely grateful to the high quality materials that TIC Ruffec make available to their customers. From a guided tour or the property via video and extensive photos to a detailed walk through of the diagnostic report I was equipped with everything I could ever want or need to know.

My purchase went through extremely smoothly with Christophe and Fiona supporting the high number of questions I sent them without blinking an eye. I can honestly say that buying a house has never been as thorough an experience but equally, it has never been so effortless.

This excellent experience has carried on post sale with Christophe and Fiona still supporting any questions I send them and offering guidance and support on the area, trades and more. I genuinely say that I couldn't have asked for better support and remain grateful that my dream home happened to be getting sold by TIC Ruffec.


Jenny - March 2021

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